40KAngelsLitany Wikia

Welcome to the 40KAngelsLitany Wikia

This is a wikia for archival and information about a Warhammer 40k Dark Heresy v2 campaign.

Logs and Adventures

Here you will find written logs, plot summaries, communiques and extra information provided to players.'

Sojourn: The Angel's Litany - Detailed adventure log of the adventure, documentary style written by GM.

TL;DR - HERESY - Bullet-point summary of adventure thus far.

Evidence Locker - An archive of notable relics, information, communiques and vox transmissions sent to the Acolytes.

Player Logs - Player written logs of events that have happened during the course of the sessions, from their point of view.

Experience Spreadsheet - Record of experience gained per session.

Player Characters

Atticus Caine

Reddin Rhaban


Cyrus Isaac Durant ("Cid")

Karan Dathash ("Karen")

Sergeant IG man


Inquisitor Felix Alaric Nolan

Sister Angelique Locke

Artisan Silvanus Wolfe

Davrus Harthos

Captain Juliette Fawkes

Page Templates and Misc. Information

Blank Character Template

Latest activity

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